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Push Up Position Dumbbell Row With Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Push Up Position Dumbbell Row With Rotation

The push up position dumbbell row with rotation should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the push up position dumbbell row with rotation.


Beginning Push Up Position Dumbbell Row

1. Place a pair of hex dumbbells where your hands would be if you were doing a push-up.

2. Put the dumbbells in your hands and do a push-up with your arms straight. Face each other with your palms facing each other. This is where you'll begin.


Push Up Position Dumbbell Row Movement

1. A pair of dumbbells should be placed somewhat wider than shoulder width apart.

2. Set yourself up in a pushup stance with dumbbells in your hands.

3. Complete 1 push up after lowering your body to the floor and pausing.

4. Row the dumbbell on one side to the side of your chest by pulling the weight upwards once you're back in the starting position.

5. Pause before lowering the dumbbell and repeating the technique with your second arm.

6. That brings us to the end of one rep.


Push Up Position Dumbbell Row Benefits

The muscles in the chest, shoulders, arms, back, abs, and even the legs are strengthened by this workout. To do pushup rows with dumbbells safely, you must maintain proper form.

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