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Neck Rotation With Single Leg Balance


How to Do

How to Do Neck Rotation With Single Leg Balance

The neck rotation with single leg balance should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the neck rotation with single leg balance.


Beginning Neck Rotation

1. With proper posture, stand tall on your right leg, lift your left knee, and slowly twist to the right, returning to the beginning position.

2. Keep your right foot firmly planted on the ground, applying equal pressure to the heel and the ball of your foot.


Neck Rotation Movement

1. Stand tall with a staggered stance. To accomplish this, one foot will be before you, while the other foot will be behind you. The foot that is behind you will be held a couple of inches in the air off of the ground. Keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width with a gap between them of about six inches.

2. Both of your arms will be to your sides.

3. Using your nose as your lead mover, twist your head from side to side.

4. Repeat for repetitions.


Neck Rotation Benefits

Single-leg exercises can help you identify muscular imbalances while also improving your balance and core stability.

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