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Medicine Ball Clean


How to Do

How to Do Medicine Ball Clean

The medicine ball clean should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the medicine ball clean.


Beginning Medicine Ball Cleans

1. The athlete shrugs his shoulders and drags himself into the bottom of the squat, keeping the ball close to his body.

2. The ball is dropped to the hips and the exercise is repeated after standing up from the squat. The athlete is now ready to incorporate all of these parts into a complete clean.


Medicine Ball Cleans Movement

1. Assume a typical deadlift position, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place a huge medicine ball between your feet on the ground.

2. Squat down with your arms perpendicular to the ground and your hands outside the ball.

3. Begin the exercise by rising from a squat and pulling your hips forward until you are standing straight, then shrugging your shoulders in one motion.

4. Squat down immediately after the shrug and allow your hands to come under the ball so that it is at head level.

5. Return to a standing position after finishing the movement by rising from the squat.


Medicine Ball Cleans Benefits

The hamstrings, glutes, lower back, core, shoulders, and upper traps are the muscles it generally works, but it's also useful for improving full-body coordination, agility, and explosive power.

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