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Rotational Slide Lunges


How to Do

How to Do Rotational Slide Lunges

The rotational slide lunges should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the rotational slide lunges.


Beginning Rotational Slide Lunges

1. Stand on the slide, facing the narrower end.

2. Start with both feet on the rubber end, thus adding stability.


Rotational Slide Lunges Movement

1. Once positioned, perform a lunge diagonally and to the rear.

2. Bring that foot back to the starting position.

3. The more you push the foot down into the slide during both movements, the more difficult the exercise becomes.

4. It is easy to spot, and address imbalances. If, for example, you tend to move the right leg away from the body when bringing it back, stand on the very end of the slide, essentially not allowing this during the movement. This is an example of reactive training, i.e. putting the body into a position where it automatically corrects itself to perform the movement.

5. Increase the difficulty by starting the exercise with both feet on the slide, as opposed to against the rubber edging.

6. Stand in the center of the slide, and move one foot forward, and simultaneously move the other foot backward, increasing the demand for coordinated movement.

7. Add resistance by using dumbbells.


Rotational Slide Lunges Benefits

A single-leg strength exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps is the dumbbell lunge and rotation. The exercise's rotating component will increase core strength and power.

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