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Chest Fly on Reebok Slide


How to Do

How to Do Chest Fly on Reebok Slide

Each chest fly on the reebok slide should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this chest fly on the reebok slide.


Beginning Chest Fly on Reebok Slide

1. Get on the knees, facing the wide side of the slide.

2. Place the hands on the slide in front of the body, as if preparing for a push-up.

3. Arms slightly bent.

4. Keep abs tight and the shoulder girdle stable.


Chest Fly on Reebok Slide Movement

1. Allow the arms to slide out slightly at first.

2. Then pull the arms back together.

4. Perform this exercise from a push-up/plank position with toes on the floor and position the feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart for added stability.


Chest Fly on Reebok Slide Benefits

The dumbbell chest fly can help you open up your chest muscles. Chest openers may help relieve upper back pain, increase range of motion, and relieve upper body tightness. If you're doing dumbbell chest flies to open up your chest muscles, try lighter weights or even none at all.

Exercise Aliases

Closed Chain Chest Fly, Reebok Slide Exercises, Reebok Slide Chest Fly.

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