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Jump Squat With Rotation


How to Do

How to Do Jump Squat With Rotation

The jump squat with rotation should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the jump squat with rotation.


Beginning Jumping Air Squats

1. Use your hands to "load" your body so you can generate enough power to blast out of the squat.

2. Make sure to bend your knees on the landing after you've jumped. If you're doing numerous reps, this will help you land securely without hurting your joints while also preparing you for the next rep.


Jumping Air Squats Movement

1. Start by facing in any direction with knees slightly bent and arms bent at your side facing forward.

2. Perform a hop squat by bending with the knees and jumping at a 180 degree angle.

3. Land from the hop in the same position you started, and hop back in the opposite direction.

4. Repeat.


Jumping Air Squats Benefits

The jump squat strengthens the glutes, quadriceps, hips, and hamstrings while raising your heart rate. If you wish to practice this version, you should have healthy knees, hips, and ankles because it puts more stress on your joints.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Squat Hops, hop Squats, Rotating Hop, Jump Squats, Squat Variations, Turning Squats, Turning Hops.

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