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Single Leg Isometric Squat Hold


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Isometric Squat Hold

The single leg isometric squat hold should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the single leg isometric squat hold.


Beginning Isometric Squat Hold

1. Keep the belly tight by drawing the belly button towards the spine. Then, contract the pelvic floor by tightening the same muscles that are commonly used to stop the flow of urine.

2. Lift one leg off the floor and point the elevated ankle out.

3. Keep your feet parallel in front of you.

4. Maintain level hips.

5. Place the small of your back against the ball, against the wall.


Isometric Squat Hold Movement

1. Grip toes in your shoes or on the floor (IF NO SHOES).

2. Begin with a slight knee bend and HOLD; keep the shoulder blades down and together.

3. Watch to see if ANY side to side instability exists (hips should be level, knee in line with second toe), if so correct it.


Isometric Squat Hold Benefits

Muscle stability and the capacity to carry weight for longer periods of time can be improved with these workouts. Isometric exercises may aid with pain relief for lower back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and neck discomfort, according to some study.

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