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Bodyweight Squats With Hands Braced on Wall


How to Do

How to Do Bodyweight Squats With Hands Braced on Wall

Absence of shoulder pain.

No excessive tension in shoulder joints.

No excessive tension in calves and lower back.


Beginning Bodyweight Squats Hands Braced on Wall

1. Start facing the wall.

2. Place hands at shoulder height and parallel to each other on a wall.

3. Slight bend in knees, as opposed to locked knee position.


Bodyweight Squats Hands Braced on Wall Movement

1. Keeping heels flat on the ground, squat down while pushing butt out behind your body, and keeping your chest up.

2. While breathing in, squat down until the calves feel a stretching sensation, then breathe out and stand back up.


Bodyweight Squats Hands Braced on Wall Benefits

Improves lower body strength.

Improves lower body definition.

Improves coordination between shoulder blades and hips.

Exercise Aliases

Squat, Front Squat, Braced Squat, Squat Variations, Scapula Squat Exercises, Double Side Scapular Stabilization Exercise, How To Improve Scapular Stability.

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