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Standing Incline Cable Press With Split Stance


How to Do

How to Do Standing Incline Cable Press With Split Stance

The standing incline cable press with split stance should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the standing incline cable press with split stance.


Beginning Incline Cable Press

1. With the grip placed slightly over waist height, stand facing away from a cable tower.

2. Assume a split stance, with one leg in front of the working arm.


Incline Cable Press Movement

1. Begin by standing in a split stance.

2. Adjust the handles to the level of your chest and grip them with your palms facing down.

3. Exhale and push the handles forward and together while engaging the core.

4. Maintain a small squeeze between the shoulder blades and keep the shoulders back. Hold for a few seconds, inhale, and gently return to the beginning position. Repeat.


Incline Cable Press Benefits

The primary benefit of incline presses is that they strengthen the upper region of the pectoral muscles. Because it's similar to a shoulder press, you activate your shoulders more when the bench is positioned at an inclination (15 to 30 degrees).

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