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Forward Lunge to Swing Curl


How to Do

How to Do Forward Lunge to Swing Curl

Each forward lunge to swing curl should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this forward lunge to swing curl.


Beginning Front Lunge Swing Curl

1. Maintain good posture to ensure that the visual gaze is straight ahead and has good stability through the belly.

2. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise. This engages the nervous system.


Front Lunge Swing Curl Movement

1. This movement involves a forward lunge with a 2 arm bicep curl.

2. Perform a forward lunge; for description see lunge-sagittal in the exercise library, as the arms swing back to load as shown.

3. As momentum is generated in a forward direction, use it to swing the arms forward into a bicep curl as shown.

4. As you lower the weights, they should swing back as you step back.


Front Lunge Swing Curl Benefits

Forward lunges primarily work the large muscle groups in your legs, such as your quads, calves, and hamstrings, but you'll also work your abs, particularly those internal stabilizer muscles.

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