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Dumbbell Lunge Press With Forward Reach


How to Do

How to Do Dumbbell Lunge Press With Forward Reach

Each dumbbell lunge press with forward reach should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this dumbbell lunge press with forward reach.


Beginning Dumbbell Lunge Press

1. Feet facing straight ahead.

2. Hands are by the shoulders in the starting position of an overhead press.

3. Hands begin in a palms up position.


Dumbbell Lunge Press Movement

1. Step out with the right leg.

2. Lunge forward with the front leg, allowing the trailing leg to bend slightly.

3. Keep the front knee aligned over the front ankle.

4. Reach down to either side of the lead foot while descending, maintaining the integrity of the spine.

5. Push off the front leg and push back to the starting position while pressing the dumbbells overhead.

6. Lower the dumbbells to their starting position.

7. Repeat the entire movement with the opposite leg.


Dumbbell Lunge Press Benefits

Improved balance.

Legs and buttocks are strengthened.

Hip mobility.

Improved spinal health.

It improves your functionality.

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