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Single Leg Frog Kick on Ball


How to Do

How to Do Single Leg Frog Kick on Ball

The single leg frog kick on ball should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the single leg frog kick on ball.


Beginning Frog Kick Exercise

Lay on your back on the floor or a workout pad, with your legs outstretched and your hands by your side or under your buttocks. As seen below, lift your heels off the floor and draw your legs toward you while bending your knees. When your abs contract, you'll be in this position.


Frog Kick Exercise Movement

1. Begin in a pushup position so that one of your legs is raised on a stability ball.

2. You will hold the other leg straight in the back of you in mid-air.

3. You are going to use the leg that is on the stability ball to roll the ball in towards your torso and then roll it back to the starting position.

4. Next you are going to alternate legs so that the leg that was in the air, is now resting on the stability ball.

5. Repeat the movement with this leg and then keep alternating legs on the stability ball.


Frog Kick Exercise Benefits

The main action that pushes your body through the water is the forceful frog kick. Your hamstrings and inner thighs receive a fantastic workout because your legs provide the majority of the propelling effort. The hamstring muscles and hip flexors work together to support the movement of bending your knees toward your body.

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