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Medicine Ball Crossover Push Up


How to Do

How to Do Medicine Ball Crossover Push Up

The medicine ball crossover push up should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the medicine ball crossover push up.


Beginning Crossover Push Up

1. Push yourself down into a push-up position.

2. Perform a push-up, then cross your right hand over your left hand and repeat.

3. Do a push-up by crossing your right hand over your left hand.


Crossover Push Up Movement

1. Start off in a push up position.

2. Both of your legs will be straight behind you.

3. Your left hand will start flat on the ground while your right hand will be flat on top of a medicine ball.

4. Begin the exercise by performing a push up.

5. Complete a push up by bending with your elbows and bringing your body down slowly so that your arms form 90 degree angles.

6. Pause at the bottom for a brief second before pressing yourself back up to the starting position.

7. Repeat for repetitions.


Crossover Push Up Benefits

The crossover push-up is a plyometrics exercise that primarily targets the chest, but also targets the abdomen, shoulders, and triceps to a lesser extent.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do a Push Up, Exercise Push Up Variations, Medicine Ball Push Up.

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