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Forward Box Jump on Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Forward Box Jump on Single Leg

No excessive tension in the calves back of the lower leg.

Should be able to dominate the jump with the thighs and calves, and not the lower back and arms.

Should be able to perform a stable landing with two feet.


Beginning Box Jumps Forward

Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, straight in front of a plyometric stepper box, chest high, shoulders back.


Box Jumps Forward Movement

1. Squat down while swinging arms back. Swinging your arms forward quickly and jump off both feet. Land on one foot on the box.

2. Land on the ball of your foot with your toes straight, using your calf to stabilize the landing.

3. Hold the landing in a bent knee position for 2 seconds, then repeat again on the same leg. When one leg is complete, switch feet.


Box Jumps Forward Benefits

Improved speed and vertical jumping ability.

Improved ability to absorb impact in the joints and land safely.

Exercise Aliases

One Leg Box Jump, Box Jump with 1-leg Landing, Single-Leg Box Jumps.

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