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Push Press


How to Do

How to Do Push Press

The push press should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the push press.


Beginning Barbell Push Press

1. Maintain a narrow grip and keep your forearms upright beneath the bar. Also, if you squeeze the bar hard before lifting, an action known as irradiation means you'll stimulate the surrounding muscles more.

2. You only need to decrease to the point where you can erupt up and into the activity. Bend your knees just a little, then drive up as hard as you can. With modest weights, this should be enough to lift the bar into the air without you having to exert any conscious effort. Increase the weights and press that weight up once you've mastered the exercises.


Barbell Push Press Movement

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your elbows pointed forward, gripping the bar with your fingertips.

2. The bar should be resting on the front of your shoulders. Squat down and center your weight under the barbell in a shallow squat.

3. Your heels should be pressed up.

4. Raise the bar above your head until your arms are completely straight.

5. Lower the bar to your chest level.

6. Throughout the movement, keep your spine in a neutral arch.


Barbell Push Press Benefits

Strengthening Your Upper Body Muscle Development.

Improved athletic performance.

Olympic Weightlifting Movements Application

Overhead Stability and Strength have improved.

Make the transition to Advanced Overhead Training.

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