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Resistance Band Push Ups


How to Do

How to Do Resistance Band Push Ups

The resistance band push ups should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the resistance band push ups.


Beginning Banded Push Ups

1. Wrap the band around your back, just below your armpits, and tighten it by looping it extra times around each hand while gripping the handles.

2. Kneel down and place your hands on the floor, then extend your legs long into a plank stance.

3. Slowly drop your chest to the floor while keeping your body long.


Banded Push Ups Movement

1. Grab the grips of a resistance band and loop it under your armpits and behind your back. Choke up on the hands by adjusting the resistance by looping the band around your hands.

2. You can stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or split your stance here. Knees should be bent softly.

3. Push the handles out with your palms towards the floor, stretching your arms as you go.

4. Return to the beginning after a brief pause.


Banded Push Ups Benefits

The chest muscles, notably the pecs; the biceps and triceps in the upper arm; the muscles of the shoulder and upper back; and, to a lesser extent, the abdominals and core are all employed during a banded pull up, just as they are in the conventional version.

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