The Negative Calorie Diet: Gimmick? Our Dietary Review, Zero Calorie Foods and Meals to Lose Weight Quick?

Is the Negative Calorie Diet a scam? Our dietary review of its low calorie foods and rapid weight loss meals.

The Review

The Negative Calorie Diet Plan Review

This is a bit of a misleading concept as no food has negative calories, although one stick of celery is said to only contain 5 calories. The main idea behind the Negative Calorie Diet then is that some foods take more calories to burn then they possess themselves.

The Claims

The Negative Calorie Diet Claims, Eating Negative Foods

For instance, taking the stick of celery as an example, supporters of the Negative Calorie Diet believe digesting the celery will use up 95 calories to burn the 5 calories that the one stick of celery possesses.

The stick of celery uses that many calories because the celery is stringy, and requires a lot of energy to eat it, and digest it.

♥ On that basis, there is a negative net dietary calorie loss of 90.

Compare that to a piece of cake composed of 400 calories which takes only 150 to digest, leaving a net gain of 250 calories, and you can see why the theory seems a good one.

The Science

Science and the Negative Calorie Diet

♥ But in truth the Negative Calorie Diet becomes a member of the fad diets because there is no scientific proof one way or the other to support the theory.

In principle a diet consisting mainly of vegetables and fruits will have health benefits, most nutritionists, and dieticians will tell you that you will be missing out on numerous important vitamins, and minerals, protein, and carbohydrates that the body requires for health.

The downside to this diet arises mainly because although it is generally accepted among healthcare professionals that the process of eating food does use energy, there have been no studies to verify this.

The Verdict

The Negative Calorie Diet Verdict

Much depends on the individual metabolism of the dieter, and as such it is hard for anyone following the Negative Calorie Diet to measure how much energy their bodies are burning on any given food.

The fact that the official Negative Calorie Diet is only available as an eBook from a website of the same name promptly gives this fad status immediately.

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