How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off: 4 Helpful Habits, Scientific Ways and Simple Tips for Faster Results That Last

How to lose weight and keep it off: four useful habits, proven methods, and easy recommendations for faster, long-lasting results.

It is the ultimate test. Having spent weeks, months, maybe even years getting our weight down, the big, big question we ask ourselves is, "How do I keep it off?"

The Research

Science of How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

♥ And the answer would seem to be - with the help of four crucial elements: diet, physical activity, positive thinking, and a supportive environment.

♥ For it is the combination of these four factors that scientists agree are the best methods of how to lose weight and keep it off or achieve permanent weight loss.

Your Habits

Habits of How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

First, TV versus exercise. It's really a no-brainer in the permanent weight loss question.

More and more research is confirming - if you really want to lose weight and then keep it off you have to get up off your patootie and start exercising.

Stated simply:

♥ Hours spent watching TV equals weight gain.

♥ 30 plus minutes a day of regular exercise equals controlled weight loss.

Forget all the hype and quick fix easy weight loss tricks, the only real answer to long-term balance is healthy eating and regular exercise.

Where's the proof?

AJCN Research

AJCN Research on How to Lose Weight and Keep It

Well, take for instance the 2008 report published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) which concluded that very-low-calorie diets tend to be unsuccessful in the long-term because losing weight and maintaining a steady weight thereafter (keeping it off) wasn't just about the food we eat.

♥ It was the frequency of exercise after the diet program that is the strongest predictor of weight loss maintenance or keeping it off.

♥ In other words, the number one permanent weight loss tip is simply getting up and moving rather than sitting down and vegetating.

♥ This is something the American Heart Association is keen to promote and has concluded that the prevention of population level obesity should be viewed not from the perspective of promoting widespread dieting but rather achieving a balance between healthy eating and physical exercise patterns.

♥ It's really what happens after the initial weight comes off that is key to long-term weight loss success.

Obviously, this is all about changing lifestyle and behavior for obese and overweight people.

And that may be the dilemma, because making lifestyle changes is a hard thing to do, although on the other hand, when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off nothing could be more effective than making sure one gets up and gets out and starts moving around doing some form of physical activity.

Obesity and Men

Men, Obesity, Exercise and Keeping It Off

In fact, in one study conducted in 1999 featuring over 21,000 men, and again published in the AJCN, it was discovered that unfit lean men had double the risk of all-cause mortality of fit, lean men, and that unfit lean men also had a higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality than did fit men in all fat and fat-free mass categories.

It also found that unfit men with low waist girths (<87 cm) had greater risk of all-cause mortality than did fit men with high waist girths (>99 cm).

♥ The conclusion drawn was that the health benefits of leanness are limited to fit men and being fit may reduce the dangers of obesity.

♥ In other words, even lean people who are unfit can be worse off than obese people who maintain some level of fitness.

♥ Which thus proves that being fit must play an essential role in any dieter's attempt to lose weight and keep it off.

Drexel University Research

Drexel University Research on How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

The research conducted in 2008 by Drexel University, Philadelphia, under the supervision of Dr. Michael Lowe, Professor of Psychology, centered on subjects who had stuck to a regular weight watching workout of healthy balanced eating and exercise of up to 5 years.

♥ The study was based on the Institute of Medicine's criterion for successful weight loss with participants achieving at least a 5% weight loss which was sustained over the five-year time span.

The study of nearly 700 dieters concluded that success was achieved via:

♥ Education about healthy eating.

♥ An increase in physical activity.

♥ The creation of a supportive living environment that was conducive to achieving a healthy weight.

♥ And coping with the challenges involved in the accompanying lifestyle change.

Get Help

Help With How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

But these results come as no surprise to the team at for they have been implementing the same exact system of components for years when assisting thousands of people to not only lose weight, but effectively manage and control their weight once a desired level had been reached.

With the help of professional fitness coaches and expert nutritionists, the online health and fitness workout offered by provides just the supportive environment Dr. Lowe and his researchers at Drexel say is the lynchpin to any long-term successful weight loss regimen.

So, if you are seeking to achieve lasting, permanent weight loss then the folks at could be just your meal ticket to a healthier you.

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