Hollywood Diet Review: What Is It, Side Effects and How Does It Work For Losing Weight?

Losing weight with the Hollywood Diet: What is it? What are the adverse effects?

The Review

The Hollywood Diet Review

There are two types of Hollywood Diet. One is just another name given to the Grapefruit Diet, and the other is the Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet that is a specially prepared over the counter juice drink used for fasting and dieting.

What both systems have in common is the focus on low-calorie dieting, and that they are both fads.

A fad diet is a diet that is popular, fashionable, of the time, and is all about losing weight fast.

The Claims

The Hollywood Diet Claims

As already mentioned, the Grapefruit Diet has been popular since the 1930s, whereas the 48-Hour Miracle Diet is the newest fad based on the same principle.

What makes it even more faddish and attractive is the fact it comes ready-made in a bottle. All you must do is mix it with water, and sip over the next 4 hours.

Do that for two days, and bingo, goodbye weight.

Weight Loss

Does the Hollywood Diet Work for Losing Weight?

Billed as a jumpstart to a better, long-term diet plan, the 48-Hour Miracle Diet probably works, and seems to have a balanced range of juices, and botanical extracts that will provide the dietary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs each day, but as we have seen before, it is bound to lead to significant, quick-fire weight loss as basically all you are doing is drinking for two days.

♥ No food is allowed on the 48-Hour Miracle Diet if you are going to achieve the 10 pounds weight loss as advertised on the product label, and to be fair the manufacturers do advise that after completing their liquid diet a sensible eating plan, and regular exercise should be adopted.

The Verdict

The Hollywood Diet Verdict

♥ Of course, what makes the Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet the greatest dietary fad around now is the fact that it has the word Hollywood in it and is promoted as the secret of the stars.

But really, come on people, there is no secret to it at all. It’s just another calorie-reduced product aimed at the lazy dieter.

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