Why Am I Gaining Weight? Ten Reasons Why and Healthy Ways to Stop Sudden Weight Gain, What to Do Fast

Why am I gaining weight, I eat healthy?

Below you will find ten research-based tips to stop weight gain fast and for good.

Bad Food

Why Am I Gaining Weight So Fast, Bad Food?

During weight maintenance focus on the quality of the foods you eat. Save the strict calorie logging for when you are focused exclusively on weight loss.

According to Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, director of a research project by the Harvard School of Public Health, who analyzed the nutrition habits of 120,000 plus Americans over a 20-year time frame, stated that even little changes in a person’s diet can cause significant improvements in the long-run.

♥ That’s great news considering that the average American gains almost a pound yearly (20 years = 20 flabby pounds) and certain foods seem to have the highest correlation to that creeping up poundage.

Foods to avoid according to the researchers.

Potato Science

What Causes Weight Gain, Potatoes?

Potatoes are thy enemy.

♥ The top offenders for gaining weight are those that are loaded with starch.

♥ Potatoes topped the list in pretty much any way they are made, even baked.

♥ The research goes as far as stating that if eaten daily, an adult can add as much as 1.5 pounds to their weight in four years' time.

Really, just from potatoes?

I don’t want to demonize the poor potato though. The GI Diet has already done a solid job at that. I would be so bold in stating that most Americans eat their potatoes in the form of salty chips or French fries. What is the last time you had only one serving of either?

My father worked for a major potato chip producer, and I was a very chunky kid, go figure?

Hardly Eating?

I Keep Gaining Weight and Hardly Eat

The Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian research found that eating less is not key for avoiding weight regain.

Foods are what truly matter.

♥ Meats, simple grains like white bread, and those irresistible sweets are the bad boys to avoid.

Dump the Soda 

How Soda Causes Weight Gain

Ditch the soda.

You probably already know that soft drinks, juice, or any other sugar flavored drinks made their list of worst foods.

Furthermore, most individuals that drink them consume two to three servings daily.

If you want to avoid weight gain, avoid these beverages.

Hello, Healthy Food

Keep From Gaining Weight With Healthy Food

Calories are king for weight loss, but not for preventing weight rebound.

The study at the Harvard School of Public Health also found that increased consumption of some healthy, higher calorie foods predicted less weight gain.

♥ Those power foods were whole grains, nuts, yogurt, fruit, and veggies.

♥ Furthermore, individuals that consumed any type of yogurt on a regular basis, defined as one serving daily, typically lost one pound each year.


High nutrient foods keep you full longer and decrease food cravings.

This is also fairly consistent with the Pen State and Anderson findings that individuals who reported consuming low-fat protein sources maintained weight loss.

Eat, eat, and eat more of the good stuff.

With Exercise

Keep From Gaining Weight With Exercise

Get up off your booty and move.

Not surprising, the Harvard study and countless others, have found that taking part in daily exercises is an important predictor for preventing weight rebound.

Not Enough Sleep?

Why Am I Gaining Weight So Fast, Not Enough Sleep?

It’s okay, hit the snooze button to avoid weight gain.

Consistent sleep patterns were also an important variable aiding in weight management.

There actually have been quite a few studies highlighting the importance of sleep and weight loss.

One such study by Stanford University found that individuals that sleep less than eight hours per night produced higher levels of the hormone ghrelin (stimulates appetite) and less leptin (signals your brain when full).

Naturally, those sleeping more than eight hours per night had a lower percentage of body fat while those who slept the least were the heaviest.

♥ Weight and body fat percentage was directly correlated to the subjects sleeping patterns. The fewer hours they slept, the heavier and higher percentage of body fat they had.

♥ If weight loss is your goal, aim for eight quality hours per night. It will surely make things easier for you.

Watching Television

How Television Causes Weight Gain

Cut down on the boob tube time.

No surprise here; the Harvard study found that extended amounts of time watching TV was highly correlated with weight gain. Enough said.

Reward Yourself

Keep From Gaining Weight With Rewards

Reward and remind yourself.

The Dr. Christopher Sciamanna research found that individuals who developed personal rewards for sticking with their dietary and exercise changes, reported weight maintenance success.

♥ You should do the same and develop a specific rewards system for all your hard work.

Another trick that was also found significant was when people reminded themselves why they needed to keep the pounds off. I'm sure you can think of a few for yourself.

Combine Behaviors

Stop Weight Gain Fast

Focus on the above tips in concert.

The hope is simple.

Focus on the above weight management tips while eating the right foods and chances are, you won’t gain weight overtime.

Taking it one step further, if your goal is to maintain weight loss, the best way is to focus on nutrition content and changing behaviors daily, not following the same methods you used to lose weight like counting calories.

However, while writing this, I had the thought that the above recommendations seem to overlap, in my mind, with weight loss programming very much so.

♥ There is not one finding above that I would not recommend to an individual looking to also lose weight, excluding the lack of focus on calories and finger pointing at the unfortunate baked potato.

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Help Me Stop Weight Gain

Using the latest science and research, the team at changingshape.com offer plans developed by certified nutrition and fitness professionals that shape exercise and meal plans based on the specific calories and nutrients a body needs to achieve real results. Join the changingshape.com calorie counter app free today.

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