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Wide Grip Row Prone on Ball


How to Do

How to Do Wide Grip Row Prone on Ball

The Wide Grip Row Prone on Ball should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the Wide Grip Row Prone on the Ball.


Beginning Wide Grip Row

1. Place your feet on the foot rests and face the cable row machine.

2. Take a wider-than-shoulder-width grip on the long bar and slide your bottom backward until your knees are almost straight. Your torso should be forward-leaning, and your arms should be fully extended.


Wide Grip Row Movement

1. Exhale as you gradually lean back, straighten your back, and pull the bar to your abdomen.

2. At the top of the movement, pull your shoulders back and your chest out.

3. Hold for two counts.

4. Inhale as you slowly lean forward, returning the bar to the starting position, arms fully extended and lower back bent forward.

5. Repeat.


Wide Grip Row Benefits

Both wide and close rows strengthen the back muscles, but the differences are significant enough that you should consider which to use when working out.

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