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Tricep Rope Pulldown to Woodchopper


How to Do

How to Do Triceps Rope Pulldown to Woodchopper

The triceps rope pulldown to the woodchopper should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the triceps rope pulldown to the woodchopper.


Beginning Triceps Rope Pulldown

1. Maintain good posture with shoulder blades back and down and good stability through the abdomen.

2. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise; This engages the nervous system.

3. Position the feet wider than the width of the shoulders.

4. Choose a rope attachment to allow for the appropriate grip and to allow the wrists free range of motion (as shown).


Triceps Rope Pulldown Movement

1. The feet begin in a slight toe out position.

2. Start with the hands by the shoulder nearest to the stack of weights, elbows flexed.

3. This exercise should facilitate every link of the kinetic chain (in other words, movement from every joint in this exercise should flow.

4. Begin rotating the hips as this drives the shoulders into rotation.

5. Once the hips and shoulders are in motion, the arms follow through from elbow flexion (at the start) to elbow extension as you push the rope away (while rotating the body).

6. Ensure that the trail leg (the leg closest to the stack of weights) pivots on the ball of the foot and allows for hip rotation, if not too much twisting stress is placed on the lower back.


Triceps Rope Pulldown Benefits

Increased triceps strength improves shoulder and arm stability, as well as flexibility and range of motion. This reduces the risk of injury and makes it easier to use your upper body in everyday tasks like lifting heavy objects or participating in upper-body sports like swimming, rowing, and boxing.

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