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Stability Ball Pike Plank With Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Stability Ball Pike Plank With Single Leg

The stability ball pie plank with a single leg should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the stability ball pie plank with a single leg.


Beginning Swiss Ball Pike Plank

1. Put your hands under your shoulders and your back flat in a push-up plank position, but with a ball under your legs.

2. With your toes pointing, place the ball between your shins and the tops of your feet.

3. Make sure your abs are engaged so your hips don't fall to the floor.


Swiss Ball Pike Plank Movement

1. Using a stability ball, you are going to be in a push up position, with a slight difference.

2. One foot is going to be rested on the stability ball while the other foot remains in the air.

3. Instead of the body being straight like you are doing a pushup, you are going to be in a pike position.

4. To accomplish this, use your toe on the stability ball to push off and curve your body.

5. You will be pushing more with your shoulders instead of your chest.

6. Bend slowly at the elbows to bring your body and head towards the ground.

7. Stop right before your head touches the ground and push yourself back up to the original push up position. That completes one repetition.

8. Don't forget to switch the leg that is on the stability ball.


Swiss Ball Pike Plank Benefits

The stability ball isolates the core muscles, which relieve pressure on the lower back and adductor muscles, which are often overworked in core-strengthening activities.

Exercise Aliases

Push Up Workout, How to Do a Plank Exercise, Stability Ball Plank.

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