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Stork Bent Over Rear Delt Fly With Dumbbell and Arm Bend


How to Do

How to Do Stork Bent Over Rear Delt Fly With Dumbbell and Arm Bend

Each stork bent over the rear delt fly with a dumbbell and arm bend should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this stork bent over the rear delt fly with a dumbbell and arm bend.


Beginning Stork Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

Step 1: Once you are comfortable with this exercise, you can vary this by performing a straight raise. Instead of raising both arms straight out to the side, bring your arms straight overhead. Your palms will be facing the floor.

Step 2: Another variation would be to bring one arm up at a diagonal angle to the head, while the other arm will come up at an oblique angle to the hips. Alternate sides and repeat.


Stork Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Movement

1. This is a difficult exercise to perform so start light. Hold two very light dumbbells at your side, and stand on one leg. Extend the free leg behind you, and slightly bend the knee. Make sure that your core muscles are activated to help protect your spine and maintain stability.

2. Bend forward at the hips while fully extending your free leg behind you. Your toes can be pointed. Your torso and free leg should be parallel to the ground, and your major joints should be in line with your head, shoulders, knees, and hips. Your supporting leg can be slightly bent for better stability.

3. Hold this position, and allow the dumbbells to hang directly under your shoulders, with your arms fully extended. Your palms should be facing inward.

4. Keep your abdominals and back muscles tensed and activate your core and leg muscles to help you maintain the stork position.

5. Raise your arms out to the side until they are in line with your shoulders. Your palms should be facing the ground. Lower the dumbbells, then repeat for the required number of repetitions.

6. At all times, ensure that your back is not arched or rounded and that your head is in line with your spine. A good way to ensure proper alignment is to keep your gaze on the ground.


Stork Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Benefits

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This exercise will challenge your balance and stability as you try to perform the exercise while standing in a very unstable position. Your core and leg muscles will be working very actively to keep you steady.

You'll also be working your shoulders, especially the back of your shoulders.

Exercise Aliases

Rear Deltoid, Exercise With Dumbbells, Stork Stand, Short Arc Exercises, Standing Front Raises

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