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Step Over Bar


How to Do

How to Do Step Over Bar

The step over bar should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the step over the bar.


Beginning Step Over Bar

1. Position a piece of string equal to the height of your leg (just below the kneecap to the floor) parallel with the ground this will be the hurdle over which you step.

2. Keep your hips level throughout the movement, adequately draw the belly button inwards, and perform pelvic floor contractions by tightening those muscles commonly used to stop the flow of urine.

3. Position a dowel rod on the upper back (just below the neck) and grip your hands on the dowel as close to your shoulders as possible (this will help stabilize the shoulders, back, and spine).


Step Over Bar Movement

1. Start with your feet together, pointing straight ahead.

2. Align the toes directly beneath the string.

3. Slowly step over the string with one leg as shown.

4. Place the heel to the floor on the other side of the string, but do not transfer any weight to the heel instead bring the leg back over the string to the starting position.

5. Make sure that you maintain balance, keep the hips, knees and ankles aligned, and that the upper body remains still.

6. Be sure to correct any excessive curving in of the lower back, rolling in of the ankle joint, and movement of the leg away from the body, or external rotation in the leg.


Step Over Bar Benefits

The step-up is a low-impact lower-body strengthener. As prime movers, several muscles are involved. During this exercise, the quadriceps and hamstrings (the muscles on the front and rear of your legs) as well as your gluteus maximus generate the majority of the power.

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