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Standing Bicep Cable Curl on Single Leg Straight Bar


How to Do

How to Do Standing Bicep Cable Curl on Single Leg Straight Bar

Each standing bicep cable curl on single leg straight bar should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this standing bicep cable curl on single leg straight bar.


Beginning Standing Bicep Cable Curl

1. Adjust the pulleys until they are at the bottom of the two columns. Stand equidistant from the two pulleys, with your back to the weight stack.

2. Pick up both handles in an underhand grip and move forward until the weights are off the stack and you feel tension on the handles. Tense your abdominals and draw up your spine making sure that your head, shoulders, hips, and knees are in line. Lift one foot off the ground and hold it behind you.


Standing Bicep Cable Curl Movement

1. Pull your shoulders back and down, and bend your elbows to curl the handles up to shoulder height. Your upper arms may be a little bit away from your torso. However, ensure that your upper arms and elbows do not swing forward and back. Lower the handles by straightening the elbows. Complete all repetitions before switching legs on the next set.

2. Make sure your body remains properly aligned during the entire exercise.


Standing Bicep Cable Curl Benefits

This movement is typically done at the gym due to the accessibility of this machine.

This exercise will strengthen the biceps muscles, which are in the front of the upper arms.

You'll also activate your core muscles to keep you steady as you brace yourself against the resistance from the cables.

The front of your shoulders will also be activated as you work against the resistance from the cable to hold the handles in front of you

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Single Leg Cable Curls, Bicep Cable Curls, Biceps Curls, Cable Machine Curls.

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