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Stability Ball Bicep Curl With Single Arm


How to Do

How to Do Stability Ball Bicep Curl With Single Arm

Core strength to allow you to perform exercise while remaining balanced on the stability ball.

Each stability ball bicep curl with single arm should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this stability ball bicep curl with single arm.


Beginning Stability Ball Bicep Curls

1. Sit on the stability ball with feet flat on the floor and position legs so that they are straight out from the hip area.

2. Hold a dumbbell in your hand and keep it at your side in a relaxed position.

3. Your palm should be facing outward.


Stability Ball Bicep Curls Movement

1. Begin this exercise by bending your elbow and lifting the dumbbell into a bicep curl.

2. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to your starting position.

3. Repeat each movement of this exercise until you have completed your set.

4. Don't forget to repeat this set on your opposite side.

5. Throughout the entire exercise, you'll want to make sure that you don't swing your elbow forward or backward.


Stability Ball Bicep Curls Benefits

Develops the bicep muscle.

Adds strength and muscle definition.

Increases balance and stability.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do Single Arm Dumbbell Curls, Seated Dumbbell Curls, Biceps Curl, Exercise Ball Curls, Swiss Ball Curls.

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