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Supine Twist Functional


How to Do

How to Do Supine Twist Functional

Be certain to perform this exercise as long as the good form may be maintained throughout. Listen to your body do not force or strain any movement. If you experience any pain, immediately discontinue this exercise.

This exercise may be performed by healthy exercisers who are able to twist the trunk without pain or physical limitations.


Beginning Spinal Rotations

Lie on the back or in a spine-supported position. Suck in the tummy in an effort to make the navel touch the spine. Bend both knees at a right angle and pull up toward the chest so that the calves are parallel to the floor. Press both shoulders firmly against the floor. Extend the arms out to either side of the body at shoulder height. The palms should face upward. Focus the eyes on the ceiling.


Spinal Rotations Movement

1. Slowly rotate the trunk and allow the hips to roll over to the left side. Stop when the left thigh reaches the floor and/or the right shoulder lifts off the mat. Allow the legs to rest briefly and then rotate them over to the right side. Continue alternating for an even number of repetitions performed on each side.


Spinal Rotations Benefits

Spinal Rotation-Supine Functional is a beginner exercise that increases CORE flexibility and stability.

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