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Smith Machine Inverted Row With Alternating Lat Pulldown


How to Do

How to Do Smith Machine Inverted Row With Alternating Lat Pulldown

Each smith machine inverted row with alternating lat pulldown should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this smith machine inverted row with alternating lat pulldown.


Beginning Smith Machine Inverted Row Alternating Lat Pulldown

1. Set the bar (or your rings) at waist level.

2. Place yourself under the bar, face up. Lie down on the floor beneath the bar.

3. Using an overhand grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width, grab the bar.

4. Maintain a completely straight line with your body by contracting your abs and buttocks.

5. Pull yourself up to the bar until your chest is in contact with it.


Smith Machine Inverted Row Alternating Lat Pulldown Movement

1. Stand in front of the Free Motion machine between the two pulleys, and hold a handle in each hand. Draw up your spine and make sure that your head, shoulders, hips, and knees are in line. Tighten your abdominals to support your back and spine, and to help with your balance.

2. With your knees slightly bent, raise one leg and hold it in front of you. Once you're sure of your balance, pull both shoulder blades back and down, and drive one elbow down and in toward the rib cage, bringing the handle down toward the shoulder.

3. Slowly lower the weight by allowing the arm to extend fully, and perform the pull down with the other arm. Repeat for the required number of repetitions, alternating sides. Be sure to keep your back straight throughout the exercise; you should not be tilting to the sides or arching your rounding your back.


Smith Machine Inverted Row Alternating Lat Pulldown Benefits

This exercise can be done at the gym.

The exercise will build strength in your back muscles. You'll also activate the core muscle to keep you steady and balanced while you perform the exercise on one leg.

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