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Single Leg Extension


How to do

How to do Single Leg Extension

With ankles in proper alignment, slowly extend your knee, squeezing/holding one thigh for a second when the knee is straight.

Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.


Beginning Single Leg Extension

1. When beginning this exercise, use lighter weights and work your way up as your abilities increase.

2. Use the handles on the sides of the chair to keep your butt from leaving the seat.

3. Once again, a reminder to keep your shoulders back, chest up, and butt down in the chair while extending.


Single Leg Extension Movement

1. Perform a proper warm-up for the thigh, i.e. light squats, stair climbing.

2. Sit straight up in the chair with your shoulders back and your chest open.


Single Leg Extension Benefits

No excessive tension in abdominals, hip flexors, and/or quadriceps.

Unilateral exercise has the advantage of allowing you to develop the muscles on both sides of your body equally. When you train both legs at the same time, the dominant side of your body is more likely to take on more stress and work harder than the less dominant side.

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