How to Do
How to Do Single Leg Banded Hip Thrust on Ball
Perform this exercise with the stability ball positioned under the upper back, shoulders, and head, but extend one leg straight out and parallel to the floor.
Balance in this position keeping the tummy pulled in and hips squeezed together.
Slowly perform the bridges as described previously.
Beginning Single Leg Banded Hip Thrust
1. Place the rubber tubing around the upper part of both thighs.
2. Lie down on the back with the knees bent and the soles of your feet planted on the floor. The feet should be shoulder-width apart and facing straight ahead.
3. Suck in the tummy, drawing the belly button towards the spine.
4. Keep both shoulders pressed firmly against the floor. The arms should lie along either side of the body with the palms facing upward.
5. Focus the eyes on the ceiling. Hold this posture throughout the exercise.
Single Leg Banded Hip Thrust Movement
1. Squeeze the hips together and slowly lift them off the floor pushing toward the ceiling.
2. It should take 2 seconds to lift the hips. Hold in the lifted position for 2 seconds.
3. Take 4 seconds to lower the hips down to the floor. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Single Leg Banded Hip Thrust Benefits
Maintain perfect form throughout.
Do not arch the low back.
Be careful to keep the knees aligned.