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Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Active


How to Do

How to Do Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Active

The Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Active should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Active.


Beginning Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling

1. Begin with a tall kneeling position and place your right hand, palm down, on top of an exercise ball.

2. Then, as the head, trunk, and shoulder flex, slowly roll the ball forward.


Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Movement

1. Move the arm and trunk diagonally to the left to create a more isolated stretch on that side.

2. You can do a sustained stretch or 5-10 repetitions of holding for 3-5 seconds at the end of the range of motion and cycling through different positions.

3. In the same way, repeat on the left side.


Single Arm Ball Lat Stretch Kneeling Benefits

The intercostal muscles are stretched and strengthened by the side stretch exercise. These are the muscles that run between your ribs. They aid in the support of the ribs.

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