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Prone Stability Ball Alternating Reverse Fly Rear Delt


How to Do

How to Do Prone Stability Ball Alternating Reverse Fly Rear Delt

The prone stability ball alternating reverse fly rear delt should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the prone stability ball alternating reverse fly rear delt.


Beginning Alternating Reverse Fly

1. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells at your sides, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. In a hinge motion, press your hips back, pushing your chest forward almost parallel to the floor.

3. Allow the weights to dangle straight down from your shoulders, palms facing each other.


Alternating Reverse Fly Movement

1. Keep your core strong, your back straight, and your knees slightly bent.

2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you exhale and raise your arms out to your sides.

3. Pull your shoulder blades toward your spine while keeping a slight bend in your elbows.

4. As you lower the weight back to the starting position, inhale.

5. During the exercise, avoid hunching your shoulders up.

6. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your chin tucked during the activity.

7. From start to completion, concentrate on feeling the shoulder blades come together while breathing properly.

8. Rep the exercise for an additional 8 to 12 reps, or as specified per set.


Alternating Reverse Fly Benefits

Balance and posture have improved.

Injury risk is reduced.

Neck and shoulder pain/discomfort are lessened.

Increased stamina and strength

Athletic performance has improved.

Muscle imbalance has improved.

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