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Rotational Lunge With Opposite Rotation and Si Joint Flex


How to Do

How to Do Rotational Lunge With Opposite Rotation and Si Joint Flex

The rotational lunge with opposite rotation and si joint flex should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the rotational lunge with opposite rotation and joint flex.


Beginning Rotational Lunge

1. Start with a small step, maintaining a shallow knee flexion, and a limited twist to assure proper alignment and neuromuscular stability of the spine before increasing your range of motion and lunge depth.

2. Ensure that you maintain an upright trunk.

3. Hold the medicine ball extended out in front of the body so arms are parallel to the floor.


Rotational Lunge Movement

1. Step to the back with your right leg (as shown), allowing the body to react to the ground force, gravity and momentum.

2. Pause in the lunge and rotate the medicine ball to the right keeping your trunk upright. Only rotate as far as the body can stabilize.

3. Return to the starting position and perform the same exercise on the left side, alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.

4. As the movement looks more fluent, gradually increase the range of motion of the step and the reach with the medicine ball.


Rotational Lunge Benefits

Loss of weight. Lunges engage the main muscle groups in your lower body, resulting in the development of lean muscle and the reduction of body fat.

Stability and equilibrium. Lunges are a unilateral lower-body workout since you work on each side of your body separately.

Exercise Aliases

Si joint exercises, exercises to strengthen si joint, si joint mobility exercises.

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