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Romanian Twist on Ball With Band


How to Do

How to Do Romanian Twist on a Ball With a Band

Generating all movement from the trunk, alternating from side to side in a controlled fashion.

The range of motion should not exceed your capabilities of active range of motion of spinal rotation.


Beginning Romanian Twist

Position yourself as pictured in a neutral spine with feet hip/shoulder width apart.


Romanian Twist Movement

1. The head, shoulders, and arms should rotate in a synchronized manner.

2. Limit movements in hips.

3. Rotate back to the midline of the body.

4. Shoulders flexed about 90 degrees.

5. The hips should be in line with the trunk.


Romanian Twist Benefits

Improved strength and functional ROM of the trunk rotators.

Improved activation and function of trunk stabilizers.

Increased challenge to postural control through proper form and balance on the physioball while engaging in a complex movement pattern.

General improvements in coordination, balance, and proprioceptive function.

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