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Reverse grip barbell row


How to Do

How to Do Reverse grip barbell row

The reverse grip barbell row should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the reverse grip barbell row.


Beginning Reverse Grip Barbell Row

1. Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet shoulder-width apart. With an underhand grip just wider than shoulder width apart, grab the barbell. Allow the bar to hang freely from your shoulders.

2. Pull the bar to your upper abs without shifting your torso. Squeeze shoulder blades together and keep elbows close to sides.


Reverse Grip Barbell Row Movement

1. Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet shoulder-width apart. With an underhand grip just wider than shoulder width apart, grab the barbell. Allow the bar to hang freely from your shoulders. Bend at the hips and knees and lower your body until it is almost parallel to the floor, keeping your lower back naturally arched and shoulders back.

2. Pull the bar to your upper abs without shifting your torso. Squeeze shoulder blades together and keep elbows close to sides. After a little pause, steadily lower the bar to its initial position.


Reverse Grip Barbell Row Benefits

The reverse-grip barbell row improves back, shoulder, arm, and core strength. The upper-back muscles are more emphasized while using a reverse grip.

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