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Resistance Band Tricep Kickbacks With Lateral Hop


How to Do

How to Do Resistance Band Triceps Kickbacks With Lateral Hop

The resistance band triceps kickbacks with lateral hop should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the resistance band with triceps kickbacks with lateral hop.


Beginning Stork Triceps Kickbacks

1. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise; this engages the nervous system.

2. Maintain a tall posture throughout the exercise and good stability through the abdomen.


Stork Triceps Kickbacks Movement

1. This movement involves a side hop with a bungee triceps kickback.

2. Start with a tall body line, grabbing the handle of the bungee at chest height and arms bent at the side of the body as shown.

3. The bungee is positioned in front and above you.

4. Perform a side hop.

5. As you land, perform a triceps kickback - as shown.

6. Return the hands up, hop in the other direction and repeat the triceps kickback.

7. Repeat for the desired amount of reps.

8. Ensure that you maintain a tall body line and that the shoulders do not round as these may be indications that the exercise is too advanced and needs to be regressed.


Stork Triceps Kickbacks Benefits

Triceps kickbacks are an easy and effective approach to strengthen your arms and upper body. They can aid you in other physical activities if you incorporate them into your regimen. Maintain a well-balanced fitness regimen that incorporates flexibility, stretching, and balance exercises, as well as strength and aerobic activities.

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