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Push Up Fly on Stability Ball and Bench


How to Do

How to Do Push Up Fly on Stability Ball and Bench

The push up flies on the stability ball and bench should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the push up fly on the stability ball and bench.


Beginning Push Up

1. Place your feet and shins flat on an exercise ball, then arrange your arms in front of you shoulder-width apart with your hands under your arms.

2. Press up from the ground until your arms are fully extended; this will be your starting position.

3. Lower your body to the ground slowly until you feel a stretch in your tricep muscles, then hold for a count.

4. Return to your starting posture and repeat for as many reps and sets as you like.


Push Up Movement

1. Begin by coming into a pushup position with your feet and arms all on different objects.

2. Your right arm will be straight on top of a stacked bench so that your hand is flat on it. Your left arm will be straight on a stability ball so your palm is also flat in the middle of it. Lastly, your legs will be straight behind you on a chair so that your toes are on it.

3. Make sure all three objects are the same height off of the ground.

4. Perform a pushup with your right arm by bending at the elbow so that it forms a 90 degree angle.

5. Simultaneously, roll the stability ball out to your left so that your forearm rests flat on it.

6. Roll the ball back to where it was towards you while pressing back up with your right arm to the starting position.

7. Repeat for repetitions.


Push Up Benefits

Push Ups are an excellent way to strengthen your upper body. The triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders are all worked out. They can help strengthen the lower back and core by activating drawing in the abdominal muscles when done correctly. Pushups are a quick and effective strength-building exercise.

Exercise Aliases

How to Do a Push Up, Exercise Push Up Variations, Stability Ball Push Up.

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