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Prone Rear Delt Row on Ball


How to Do

How to Do Prone Rear Delt Row on Ball

The prone rear delt row on ball should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the prone rear delt row on ball.


Beginning Prone Rear Delt Row on Ball

1. Lie prone on the exercise ball with your belly against it, back and legs stretched, and dumbbells at your sides, arms extended.

2. Raise the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are at 90 degrees, then spin them up and down slowly after a brief rest.


Prone Rear Delt Row on Ball Movement

1. Place the dumbbells on either side of the stability ball, then stand in front of the stability ball.

2. Carefully lower yourself onto the stability ball such that your chest is supported by the dome of the stability ball. Extend your legs behind you so that your head, shoulders hips, knees and heels are aligned. Tuck your toes under to support your weight and the ball. Use the muscles in your abdomen and lower back to support your spine and hold you in position.

3. Allow your arms to dangle down over the sides of the stability ball and pick up the dumbbells.

4. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down, and lift the dumbbells by pulling back the upper arms and bending your elbows. At the height of the movement, your elbows will be bent at 90 degrees and your upper arms will be lifted to form a straight line with your shoulders. Make sure that your wrists and forearms remain in line.

5. Slowly return the dumbbells to the start position, rest and repeat until you have completed your repetitions.

6. Throughout the exercise, make sure that you don’t arch your back. You should also be careful to keep your head in line with your spine. A good way to ensure this is to keep looking at the ground while performing the exercise.


Prone Rear Delt Row on Ball Benefits

Perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

These will aid in building muscles in your shoulders, especially the back of your shoulders, and also activate your back muscles.

You’ll also be actively engaging your core muscles to keep you balanced and steady on the stability ball as you perform the exercise.



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