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Prone Cobra on Stability Ball With Dumbbell Using Single Arm


How to Do

How to Do prone Cobra on Stability Ball With Dumbbell Using Single Arm

Your chin should be tucked in while lifting your torso off the stability ball.

Keep your feet pointed straight ahead throughout the entire exercise.

Remember to stop and reposition yourself on the ball if you experience any low back pain.

Be sure to firmly grip the dumbbells at all times and use a light enough set of dumbbells so it does not place stress on your shoulder which can damage your rotator cuff over time.

Using only one dumbbell will challenge your stabilization system more, so be careful not to use too heavy of a dumbbell and keep the movement slow and controlled.


Beginning Prone Cobra on Stability Ball

Lay in a prone position with a stability ball under the sternum.

Legs straight, and core and glutes activated.


Prone Cobra on Stability Ball Movement

1. Perform cobra movement with a dumbbell in 1 hand.

2. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward.

3. Squeeze glutes and slowly draw the shoulder blades backward, retraction, and downward, depression, while externally rotating the hands so the palms face away from the legs.

4. The chin should be tucked in while lifting the torso off the stability ball. Hold the position for the recommended time.

5. As strength increases, repetitions may be held for longer periods. Do not allow the head to extend backward.

6. The chin should stay tucked.

If a client complains of discomfort in the low back, have him or her concentrate on squeezing the glutes, do not externally rotate the hips. Keep feet straight ahead throughout the entire exercise.

Exercise Aliases

How To Do The Cobra Exercise, Cobra Exercise on Stability Ball, Cobras Workout, One Arm Cobra.

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