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Perturbation With Stability Ball


How to Do

How to Do Perturbation With Stability Ball

The perturbation with a stability ball should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the perturbation with a stability ball.


Beginning Perturbation

1. Maintain tall posture throughout the exercise, good stability through the abdomen, and neutral spine angles.

2. Begin with a thorough dynamic warm up before starting this exercise. This engages the nervous system.


Perturbation Movement

1. This movement involves holding a stability ball out from the chest while a partner taps on the ball in different patterns.

2. Stand tall with your knees slightly bent, your feet shoulder width apart pointing straight, and your hands holding a stability ball with arms straight out from the chest (as shown).

3. Hold the ball still while the partner will lightly tap the stability ball in different patterns (as shown in video link).

4. To increase demand, simply tap the stability ball with more force.

5. Ensure that you brace the abdomen and that taps start off light, and then gradually increase as your ability to hold the stability ball still increases.


Perturbation Benefits

It's been touted as a means to keep elderly folks and others with neurological disorders from falling, but it can also help recreational and elite athletes avoid injury and speed up their recovery. Perturbation training can assist you in aging in place or improving your performance.

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