How to Do
How to Do Overhead Barbell Squat, Bar
The overhead barbell squat bar should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.
If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the overhead barbell squat bar.
Beginning Overhead Squat
1. Position the arms extended straight overhead holding a dowel rod or barbell (without weight).
2. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, feet pointing straight ahead, good stability through the abdomen, and neutral spine angles.
3. Activate core by drawing the belly button in toward the spine and perform pelvic floor contractions by tightening those muscles commonly used to stop the flow of urine.
Overhead Squat Movement
1. Holding the arms above the head, squat down to a depth that you can control with good alignment through the kinetic chain, squat back up.
2. Watch for compensations at the foot (rolling the ankle inwards, external rotation), knee (internal rotation, rolling inwards), hip (stability at each side), excessively curving the lower back inwards, excessive flexion of the upper extremity, and excessively curving the neck inwards.
3. A proper stretching and strengthening protocol should be started if any dysfunctions exist.
Overhead Squat Benefits
The overhead squat engages upper-body muscles like the triceps and deltoids, as well as lower-body muscles like the hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, and lower back muscles.
Exercise Aliases
Overhead Barbell Squat Technique, Squat Variations, How To Do Squats with a Barbell.