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Reverse Lateral Step Reach Overhead


How to Do

How to Do Reverse Lateral Step Reach Overhead

The reverse lateral step reach overhead should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the reverse lateral step to reach overhead.


Beginning Lateral Step Reach

Raise your arms to the skies and stand tall. With bent knees, use the opposing arm to touch the opposite foot. Switch sides halfway through.


Lateral Step Reach Movement

1. Start by standing up tall with your back straight, shoulders back, and chest out.

2. Stand with your spine straight and strong and your feet in a shoulder-width stance.

3. Bring your right leg in the back by taking a step back and also bringing your right arm over the right side of your head. You are going to bend with your hips to the left side of your body, letting your arm hang over your head in that direction for additional balance use wall.

4. Take a step back to where you began, bring your arm to your side, and repeat for repetitions.


Lateral Step Reach Benefits

The lateral step pull is a cardiovascular exercise that raises your heart rate, warms your muscles and joints, and increases your metabolism. This exercise works all of your muscles, increases muscle endurance, and helps you relax.

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