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Lateral Leg Swings


How to Do

How to Do Lateral Leg Swings

No excessive tension in the lower back.

No existing pain in the lower back.

Each exercise should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this exercise.


Beginning Lateral Leg Swings

1. Stand straight, keeping your lower back tight and chest up.

2. Brace your body by planting the palms of your hands on the wall in front of you.


Lateral Leg Swings Movement

1. Bend your knee 90 degrees, and raise your leg until the upper thigh is parallel to the floor, swing the leg left and right.

2. You should flex and extend your foot along with the swinging motion.


Lateral Leg Swings Benefits

Increase flexibility at the hip and in the spine.

Increase definition around the core and hip.

Improve coordination of hips, legs, and core.

Exercise Aliases

Leg Swing Exercise, Tight Hip Flexor Exercises, Hip Swings Exercise, Exercises for the Hips, Lateral Swing.

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