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Kettlebell High Pull Double


How to Do

How to Do Kettlebell High Pull Double

The kettlebell high pull double should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the kettlebell high pull double.


Beginning Kettlebell High Pull

Begin from a lowered squat position with both hands on the kettlebell in between the legs.


Kettlebell High Pull Movement

1. Powerfully extend the lower body to create momentum.

2. As hips fully extend, shrug and flex the shoulders forward.

3. Pull elbows to the side to accelerate Kettlebell up and close.

4. As the kettlebell descends, extend your arms and absorb the weight of the Kettlebell with a squatting action.


Kettlebell High Pull Benefits

It's a high-intensity cardiovascular workout that doesn't require you to move your feet.

Because of the horizontal pulling movement, it's great for improving posture.

Due to both cardio and muscle activity, this is an excellent full-body fat burner.

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