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Fitter Hip Slide With Medicine Ball Twist


How to Do

How to Do Fitter Hip Slide With Medicine Ball Twist

The fitter hip slide with medicine ball twist should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the fitter hip slide with a medicine ball twist.


Beginning Hip Slide Exercise

1. Start on a flat, smooth surface in a clear area.

2. Check the Fitter machine for proper setting based on your weight.

3. Step on foot-pads with feet centrally positioned. Place the implement (power-ball depicted) straight out in front of you.

4. Concentrate on proper posture with eyes straight ahead.

5. If possible, use a mirror or window to see your reflection.


Hip Slide Exercise Movement

1. From the start position, draw your belly button inward toward your spine.

2. Maintaining optimal alignment, slowly transfer your weight from one foot to the other with a smooth flowing motion.

3. Once your rhythm is mastered, add spinal rotation to the side to side movement. Be sure to maintain the draw-in maneuver while you perform a controlled rotation through the spine.

4. Follow the desired time/repetitions and always remember to maintain optimum posture with eyes focused in front of you!

5. Keep your head up. There should be minimal head movement.

6. Move at slow to moderate speeds - this is not a power exercise.


Hip Slide Exercise Benefits

The core is uniquely stimulated by using a sliding board, and its muscles are called upon to give consistent support and stability for the body. Hips & Glutes: Low-impact routines on a slide board strengthen and condition the hips and glutes, improving overall stability and balance.

Exercise Aliases

Fitter 3D Cross Trainer Slides, Slide Board Exercise, Skiing Conditioning Exercises, Side To Side Fitter.

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