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Hammer Strength Incline Press


How to Do

How to Do Hammer Strength Incline Press

This exercise emphasizes the target area (upper pecs) rather than the stabilizers needed to balance a free weight. Exhale as you push straight out (not up) with your head back, feet firm on the ground, hands at the height of your pecs, and elbows straight down. Inhale as the weights come closer to your chest and exhale again as you push out.


Beginning Hammer Strength Incline Press

1. Exhale as you push straight out (not up) with your head back, feet firm on the ground, hands at the height of your pecs, and elbows straight down.

2. As the weights get closer to your chest, take a deep breath in and then exhale as you push out.


Hammer Strength Incline Press Movement

1. Adjust the seat you want to adjust the seat height so that when you sit down the handles will be just below the line of the shoulder.

2. Upon sitting down, chin is up, chest is high and stomach is braced. Push the handles out and away so that the elbow follows the line of the handle to the top range.

3. Control back until the arms reach the line of the torso, push out and away so the elbows follow the line of the handle to top range and control back to the line of the torso.


Hammer Strength Incline Press Benefits

It helps stabilize the spine and also increases the amount of stability that's required through the core.

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