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Forward Lunge With Si Joint Flex


How to Do

How to Do Forward Lunge With Si Joint Flex

Each forward lunge with joint flex should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop this forward lunge with joint flex.


Beginning Forward Lunge

1. Start in a standing position with chest up, and lower back tight.

2. Make sure you have enough floor space around you.


Forward Lunge Movement

1.Tense up your core, and align posture.

2. Step/Lunge forward

3. Although the foot steps forward, the hips/pelvis remain straight.

4. During the lunge, breathe in and lower your body with control, keeping pressure distributed evenly between both feet don't put all the pressure on the front foot only.

5. Be aware of your feet: make sure they don't cave in or shift out.

6. Breathe out and quickly stand back up to your original position.


Forward Lunge Benefits

Quadricep strengthening

Quadricep definition

Hamstring strengthening

Hamstring definition

Hip stabilization.

Improved balance

Improved coordination between lower body muscle groups

Exercise Aliases

Si joint exercises, exercises to strengthen si joint, sagittal exercises, si joint mobility exercises.

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