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Flat Dumbbell Press to Incline on Ball With Single Leg


How to Do

How to Do Flat Dumbbell Press to Incline on Ball With Single Leg

The flat dumbbell press to incline on the ball with a single leg should begin with a good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the flat dumbbell press to incline on the ball with a single leg.


Beginning Flat Dumbbell Press

Lean back in your seat on the bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with the hands at your shoulders and the elbows bent and angled down below the ribcage. Lean against the bench and relax your neck. Maintain a flat foot on the floor.


Flat Dumbbell Press Movement

1. Lay back on a stability ball so that it rests on your shoulders and neck.

2. Bend one knee to rest your foot flat on the ground while keeping the other leg straight in the air in front of you.

3. Your hips will be slightly lower instead of straight, and almost touching the ground.

4. You will be performing a dumbbell press with both of your arms while straightening your body.

5. Begin by holding the dumbbells straight up in front of you so that your knuckles face the ceiling and your palms face away.

6. Slowly bring the dumbbells down and bend at the elbows so that they make a 90 degree angle.

7. At the bottom of the press, the back of the arms should be in a straight line, parallel to the ground, with your palms both still facing away.

8. Press back up from this position while simultaneously reaching your arm to the opposing side of your body, dumbbell in hand.

9. Bring your arms back down from this position while also lowering your body closer to the ground.

10. Repeat.


Flat Dumbbell Press Benefits

One of the best chest workouts for improving upper body strength is the chest press. Pec deck, cable crossover, and dips are some more beneficial exercises. The chest press strengthens and builds muscle tissue in your pectorals, deltoids, and triceps.

Exercise Aliases

Incline Chest Press - Stability Ball, Incline Chest Press on Stability Ball Exercise, How To Do Chest Presses on a Stability Ball, Incline Chest Press.

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