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Dumbbell Uppercuts on Single Leg


How to Do

How to do Dumbbell uppercuts on a single leg

The dumbbell uppercuts on single leg should begin with good posture to avoid injury. Brace the spine by drawing your lower abdomen inward. Your core muscles should be activated to support your posture as you perform the exercise.

If any pain is experienced, immediately stop the Dumbbell uppercuts on a single leg.


Beginning Dumbbell Uppercuts

1. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells at shoulder height.

2. Strike upwards with your right arm while pivoting on your right foot in a fighting stance.

3. Return to the starting position and do the opposite side.


Dumbbell Uppercuts Movement

1. To make this exercise even more challenging, stand on one leg. Your core muscles will be working hard to keep you balanced. Be careful not to rotate too much or you'll lose balance. You'll find that you'll not be able to rotate your torso as much as when you were standing with your feet apart, or in a staggered stance.

2. Pull your shoulders back and down. Rotate your head, shoulders, torso, and hips to one side. Your trailing foot can pivot on the ball as well. As you rotate, allow the momentum to let the trailing arm swing forward from your body naturally, and use the momentum to perform a half bicep curl by bringing the dumbbells up toward your shoulder. Stop when your elbow is bent at 90 degrees. You should look as if you're delivering an uppercut to an opponent chin.

3. Rotate your body back to center and simultaneously return your arm to the side of the body. Perform the exercise on the other side, and repeat for the required number of repetitions.

4. Be careful to keep all the movements controlled.


Dumbbell Uppercuts Benefits

You can perform this exercise at home or in the gym.

This exercise will help build strength and definition in your biceps, the muscles in front of the upper arms. You'll also work your core and abdominals to protect your back and spine and to keep your torso upright.

Your obliques, the muscles at the side of your torso, will also get a workout as you rotate your body from side to side.

Exercise Aliases

Dumbbell Uppercuts, Boxer Curls, How To Do Bicep Curls with Dumbbell, Upper Cut Bicep Curls, Dumbbell Curl to Uppercut.

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